What is it?
Safe in the Village (SITV) is a video program to help start conversations about healthy relationships and safe behaviors with Alaska Native youth.
The film is about three friends in rural Alaska navigating life issues like sex, alcohol, and bullying while thinking about their futures. It also demonstrates the importance of having trusted adults and goals in life.
SITV is a story about Matt, Sarah and Ben, three young people who are faced with making hard choices in life. It’s a story about how to stand up to each other and for each other. How to look for help when you need it. And how help might find you when you are open to it.
Included in the program is a short film (30m), actor interviews (25m) and a discussion guide.
View the trailer:
Check out SITV Youtube playlist
Access the SITV movie, interviews and episodes!
Who is the audience?
SITV is created for Alaska Native youth ages 15-19, but can also be used with younger teens, including middle school aged youth. It can be shown to either youth alone or youth with adults.
How was it created?
We talked to almost 100 youth in rural Alaska. We also asked tribal leaders, healthcare providers, educators, parents and other community members for help in making SITV.
Who can order it?
Any community member interested in supporting youth can order the movie to show to young people and their communities.
How do you host a viewing?
The DVD comes with a detailed facilitator guide which covers how to plan and host a discussion, talking tips, and more!
Providing Resources:
Hosting a SITV workshop? Consider having handouts about STIs, healthy relationships, STI testing and condoms if appropriate. Order free materials.
Key messages of SITV:
- Respect each other’s choices to delay sex
- Stand up against harassment
- Talk with trusted adults
- Say no to drugs and alcohol
Oh. There’s more! The upcoming movie soundtrack is now available to download through iTunes. Follow iknowmine on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for updates!
Order your free copy of SITV by emailing iknowmine@anthc.org