Xylazine Test Strips


Xylazine test strips can identify the presence of xylazine in drugs. They can be used to test injectable drugs, powders, and pills.

Xylazine is a non-opioid tranquilizer used as a sedative and muscle relaxant in animals. In recent years, xylazine has emerged along with fentanyl in recreational drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Xylazine with other drugs can increase the risk of overdose and death.

Xylazine test strips are easy to use and allows you to test your substances to see if they contain xylazine.

Use the strips as directed for the best results. When you get your result, you can make the decision about what to do next.

Each order also includes one instruction card on how to use the xylazine test strip.

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Injecting or otherwise ingesting substances containing xylazine can cause serious, skin ulcers and wounds. Wound care kits are also available to order through the shop. If you are located in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau or Homer you may be able to find additional supplies and resources from your local harm reduction service provider like: Disclaimer:
  • The test device is NOT intended to determine the purity, composition, or if the substance being examined is safe to use.
  • A positive or negative test result is NOT an indication that the substance being examined is safe to use. Many factors come into play when examining the samples, including but not limited to mixture of multiple substances, solubility, and pH of the sample.
  • There is a possibility that technical or procedural errors as well as other substances and factors may interfere with the Rapid ResponseTM Xylazine Test Strip (Liquid / Powder) and cause false results.
  • A positive result indicates the presence of Xylazine only and does not indicate quantity.
  • A negative result does not at any time rule out the presence of Xylazine, as they may be present below the minimum detection level of the test.
  • The device is intended for harm reduction purposes. Follow the advice of your local harm reduction or public health agency.
  • Repeated Xylazine use is associated with skin ulcers, abscesses and related complications, including necrosis – the rotting of human tissue that may lead to preventable amputations, particularly without proper wound care. Source: https://www.lochnessmedical.com/hr-product?id=2029
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